TOPIR InformationIR LibraryPerformance Indicators

Performance Indicators

Trends in major KPIs

The figures are preliminary and subject to revision at a later date.
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World Corporation

24/11 24/12 25/01 25/02 25/03 25/04 25/05 25/06 25/07 25/08 25/09 25/10
Number of engineers*1 3,240 3,266 3,273
Number of active engineers *2 3,080 3,087 3,055
Utilization ratio (excl. trainees) *3 96.0% 95.6% 94.5%
Utilization ratio (incl. trainees) *4 95.1% 94.5% 93.3%
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q
Contract unit price (yen) 516,082
Number of new hires 330
Number of job leavers 297
Turnover rate *5 29.8%


24/11 24/12 25/01 25/02 25/03 25/04 25/05 25/06 25/07 25/08 25/09 25/10
Number of engineers *1 406 408 411
Number of active engineers *2 358 360 354
Utilization ratio (excl. trainees) *3 93.7% 94.0% 92.2%
Utilization ratio (incl. trainees) *4 88.2% 88.2% 86.1%
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q
Contract unit price (yen) 517,674
Number of new hires 46
Number of job leavers 40
Turnover rate *5 23.7%

*1 Number of total engineers who were employed for at least one day during the month (incl. trainees, maternity and paternity leave, and temporary leave)

*2 Number of engineers who were dispatched for at least one day during the month

*3 Number of active engineers / number of total engineers (excl. trainees)

*4 Number of active engineers / number of total engineers

*5 Number of job leavers during past 12 months / (number of total engineers at the end of the month 12 months prior + number of new hires during past 12 months)

*6 Quarterly information is scheduled to be disclosed together with other KPIs for the last month of each quarter.

World Corporation

23/11 23/12 24/01 24/02 24/03 24/04 24/05 24/06 24/07 24/08 24/09 24/10
Number of engineers*1 2,734 2,768 2,829 2,844 2,884 3,192 3,215 3,214 3,226 3,221 3,236 3,239
Number of active engineers *2 2,577 2,594 2,611 2,655 2,663 2,713 2,910 2,969 2,999 3,009 3,048 3,058
Utilization ratio (excl. trainees) *3 96.2% 94.9% 94.2% 94.3% 93.8% 94.1% 91.6% 93.1% 93.7% 94.5% 95.2% 95.4%
Utilization ratio (incl. trainees) *4 94.3% 93.7% 92.3% 93.4% 92.3% 85.0% 90.5% 92.4% 93.0% 93.4% 94.2% 94.4%
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q
Contract unit price (yen) 504,874 510,979 511,898 512,934
Number of new hires 371 701 381 352
Number of job leavers 241 357 346 340
Turnover rate *5 29.8% 28.1% 28.5% 29.1%


23/11 23/12 24/01 24/02 24/03 24/04 24/05 24/06 24/07 24/08 24/09 24/10
Number of engineers *1 365 367 372 382 391 403 391 398 398 401 399 404
Number of active engineers *2 330 337 335 337 334 338 331 345 341 354 360 357
Utilization ratio (excl. trainees) *3 95.1% 97.1% 96.0% 96.3% 92.3% 92.6% 90.2% 91.3% 90.7% 92.7% 94.7% 93.7%
Utilization ratio (incl. trainees) *4 90.4% 91.8% 90.1% 88.2% 85.4% 83.9% 84.7% 86.7% 85.7% 88.3% 90.2% 88.4%
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q
Contract unit price (yen) 503,967 509,931 524,894 521,095
Number of new hires 39 57 26 29
Number of job leavers 29 28 24 31
Turnover rate *5 24.1% 23.2% 22.2% 22.3%

*1 Number of total engineers who were employed for at least one day during the month (incl. trainees, maternity and paternity leave, and temporary leave)

*2 Number of engineers who were dispatched for at least one day during the month

*3 Number of active engineers / number of total engineers (excl. trainees)

*4 Number of active engineers / number of total engineers

*5 Number of job leavers during past 12 months / (number of total engineers at the end of the month 12 months prior + number of new hires during past 12 months)

*6 Quarterly information is scheduled to be disclosed together with other KPIs for the last month of each quarter.

World Corporation

22/11 22/12 23/01 23/02 23/03 23/04 23/05 23/06 23/07 23/08 23/09 23/10
Number of engineers *1 2,256 2,275 2,296 2,320 2,350 2,618 2,641 2,649 2,666 2,662 2,663 2,696
Number of active engineers *2 2,152 2,139 2,141 2,184 2,211 2,281 2,481 2,515 2,527 2,517 2,534 2,535
Utilization ratio (excl. trainees) *3 96.7% 95.5% 95.2% 95.5% 95.9% 97.9% 95.9% 96.3% 96.3% 96.1% 96.6% 95.7%
Utilization ratio (incl. trainees) *4 95.4% 94.0% 93.2% 94.1% 94.1% 87.1% 93.9% 94.9% 94.8% 94.6% 95.2% 94.0%
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q
Contract unit price (yen) 475,198 484,905 491,598 498,696
Number of new hires 268 601 348 342
Number of job leavers 207 324 297 297
Turnover rate *5 29.6% 29.1% 29.3% 30.2%


22/11 22/12 23/01 23/02 23/03 23/04 23/05 23/06 23/07 23/08 23/09 23/10
Number of engineers *1 290 311 324 337 340 380 371 369 370 368 367 364
Number of active engineers *2 248 258 270 288 312 296 309 310 318 319 326 332
Utilization ratio (excl. trainees) *3 95.8% 95.6% 94.7% 96.0% 97.8% 91.4% 89.0% 86.4% 90.1% 90.6% 92.4% 94.6%
Utilization ratio (incl. trainees) *4 85.5% 83.0% 83.3% 85.5% 91.8% 77.9% 83.3% 84.0% 85.9% 86.7% 88.8% 91.2%
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q
Contract unit price (yen) 501,536 491,672 501,690 504,182
Number of new hires 71 72 21 22
Number of job leavers 25 25 30 31
Turnover rate *5 23.0% 21.1% 23.3% 23.9%


*1 Number of total engineers who were employed for at least one day during the month (incl. trainees, maternity and paternity leave, and temporary leave)


*2 Number of engineers who were dispatched for at least one day during the month


*3 Number of active engineers / number of total engineers (excl. trainees)


*4 Number of active engineers / number of total engineers


*5 Number of job leavers during past 12 months / (number of total engineers at the end of the month 12 months prior + number of new hires during past 12 months)


*6 Quarterly information is scheduled to be disclosed together with other KPIs for the last month of each quarter.

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