TOPIR InformationBasic Policy for Shareholder Returns & Dividend Results

Basic Policy for Shareholder Returns and Dividend Results

Basic Policy for Shareholder Returns

Our basic policy is to prioritize returns to shareholders, strengthen our earning power to secure dividend resources, and pay continuous and stable dividends.
Our basic policy for surplus is to pay dividends twice a year: an interim dividend and a year-end dividend. In addition, our articles of incorporation provide that the dividends from surplus may be determined by resolution of the board of directors.
Regarding the use of internal reserves, we will prepare for future business development, and at the same time, invest them in the growth of our group through M&A and the improvement of our financial position.

Dividend Record Date

Interim dividend   April 30
Year-end dividend   October 31

Trends in Dividends per Share

(Unit: Yen)

Interim Year-end Total
FY2023.10 95 95
FY2024.10 50 60 110
FY2025.10(forecast) 55 60 115